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Sep 23, 2024

Minutes of Meeting: Best Practices to Follow

Meeting minutes are a crucial component of any successful organization. They are an official record of discussions, decisions, and action items, ensuring transparency and accountability. This comprehensive guide explores the best practices for creating effective meeting minutes, providing templates, examples, and practical tips to streamline your minute-taking process. We'll also highlight how Mem, a powerful AI-powered note-taking tool, can enhance your minute-taking experience.

Why Are Meeting Minutes Important?

Meeting minutes of the meeting play a vital role in organizational communication and record-keeping. They:

  • Provide a clear record of decisions made and actions to be taken

  • Serve as a reference for future meetings and follow-ups

  • Help absent team members stay informed

  • Offer legal protection in case of disputes

  • Enhance accountability and transparency

With Mem's AI-powered features, you can easily organize and search through your meeting minutes, making it simple to reference past decisions and track progress over time.

Best Practices for Writing Meeting Minutes

1. Prepare in Advance

Before the meeting begins, take these steps to ensure you're ready to capture accurate minutes:

  • Review the meeting agenda and familiarize yourself with the topics

  • Create a minutes template based on the agenda items

  • Confirm the list of attendees

  • Set up any necessary recording equipment

Mem's template feature allows you to create and save custom templates for different types of meetings, saving you time and ensuring consistency across your meeting notes.

2. Use a Consistent Format

Adopt a standardized format for meeting minutes to maintain consistency and make them easy to read. A typical structure for meeting minutes examples includes:

  • Meeting title and type of meeting

  • Date, time, and location

  • Attendees and absentees

  • Agenda items

  • Discussions and decisions

  • Action items

  • Next meeting date

Mem's AI can help you structure your notes automatically, ensuring that your meeting minutes follow a consistent format every time.

3. Focus on Key Information

When taking notes during the meeting, concentrate on capturing:

  • Main points of discussion

  • Decisions made

  • Action items and responsible team members

  • Deadlines for tasks

  • Voting results (if applicable)

Avoid recording verbatim conversations or personal opinions. Instead, summarize the key points concisely. Mem's real-time note-taking feature allows you to quickly jot down important points without losing focus on the meeting itself.

4. Be Objective and Clear

Write your minutes in a neutral, objective tone. Use clear, concise language to convey information without bias. For example:

Instead of: "John angrily disagreed with Mary's proposal."

Write: "John expressed concerns about the proposal."

Mem's AI can help you maintain an objective tone by suggesting neutral language alternatives as you write.

5. Use Action-Oriented Language

When documenting decisions and action items, use active voice and specific language. For example:

  • "The board approved the budget for Q3."

  • "Sarah will prepare a report on customer feedback by July 15."

Mem's task management features allow you to easily create and assign action items directly from your meeting notes, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

6. Review and Edit Promptly

After the meeting, review your notes and draft the formal minutes as soon as possible while the information is still fresh in your mind. Edit for clarity, grammar, and completeness. Mem's AI-powered editing suggestions can help you refine your minutes quickly and effectively.

7. Distribute and Approve

Send the draft minutes to attendees for review and approval. Once approved, distribute the final version to all relevant parties and store them in a secure, accessible location. Mem's sharing features make it easy to collaborate on and distribute meeting minutes to your team.

Meeting Minutes Templates

Using a template can help streamline your minute-taking process. Here are two examples you can adapt for your needs:

Basic Meeting Minutes Template

[Organization Name]

[Meeting Title]

Date: [Date]

Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]

Location: [Location]

Attendees: [List of attendees]

Absent: [List of absent members]

1. Call to Order

   - Meeting called to order at [time] by [name]

2. Approval of Previous Minutes

   - [Decision on previous minutes]

3. Agenda Items

   a. [Agenda Item 1]

      - Discussion:

      - Decision:

      - Action Items:

   b. [Agenda Item 2]

      - Discussion:

      - Decision:

      - Action Items:

4. Other Business

   - [Any additional topics discussed]

5. Next Meeting

   - Date: [Next meeting date]

   - Time: [Next meeting time]

   - Location: [Next meeting location]

6. Adjournment

   - Meeting adjourned at [time]

Minutes submitted by: [Name]

Minutes approved by: [Name]

Formal Board Meeting Minutes Template

[Organization Name]

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Date: [Date]

Time: [Start Time] - [End Time]

Location: [Location]

Board Members Present: [List of board members]

Board Members Absent: [List of absent board members]

Staff Present: [List of staff members]

Guests: [List of guests]

1. Call to Order

   The meeting was called to order at [time] by [Chairperson's name].

2. Approval of Agenda

   [Decision on agenda approval]

3. Approval of Previous Minutes

   [Decision on previous minutes approval]

4. Reports

   a. Executive Director's Report

      - Key points:

      - Discussion:

      - Action items:

   b. Financial Report

      - Key points:

      - Discussion:

      - Action items:

5. Old Business

   a. [Old Business Item 1]

      - Discussion:

      - Decision:

      - Action items:

6. New Business

   a. [New Business Item 1]

      - Discussion:

      - Decision:

      - Action items:

7. Executive Session (if applicable)

   [Note: No details of executive session discussions are recorded in the minutes]

8. Next Meeting

   Date: [Next meeting date]

   Time: [Next meeting time]

   Location: [Next meeting location]

9. Adjournment

   The meeting was adjourned at [time].

Minutes submitted by: [Secretary's name]

Minutes approved by: [Chairperson's name]

Mem allows you to create and save custom templates like these, making it easy to start your meeting notes with a consistent structure every time.

What to Include in Meeting Minutes?

When creating a written record of your team meetings or staff meetings, be sure to include:

  1. Basic meeting information (date, time, location, attendees)

  2. Agenda items and their outcomes

  3. Key points of discussion

  4. Decisions made and voting results

  5. Action items and assigned responsibilities

  6. Date and time of the next meeting

Mem's AI can help you ensure that you've covered all necessary elements by suggesting missing information based on your meeting context.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing meeting minutes, be careful to avoid these common pitfalls:

  1. Including too much detail or verbatim conversations

  2. Inserting personal opinions or biased language

  3. Forgetting to record key decisions or action items

  4. Failing to distribute minutes promptly

  5. Neglecting to get approval for the final version

Mem's AI-powered suggestions can help you identify and correct these issues, ensuring your minutes are clear, concise, and professional.

Leveraging Mem for Effective Meeting Minutes

Mem offers several features that can significantly enhance your minute-taking process:

  1. AI-powered note-taking: Mem's AI can help you capture key points in real-time, allowing you to focus on the meeting while ensuring nothing important is missed.

  2. Smart organization: Automatically categorize and tag your meeting notes for easy retrieval and reference.

  3. Collaboration tools: Share your minutes with team members, collect feedback, and make revisions seamlessly within the platform.

  4. Integration with other tools: Connect Mem with your calendar and task management apps to streamline your workflow.

  5. Customizable templates: Create and save templates for different types of meetings, ensuring consistency across your organization.

By following the best practices outlined in this guide and using Mem's powerful features, you can create clear, concise, and effective meeting minutes that serve your organization well. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if your first attempts aren't flawless. With time, experience, and the right tools, you'll become an expert minute-taker.


How do I write the minutes of a meeting?

To write effective meeting minutes, prepare a template in advance, take concise notes during the meeting focusing on key decisions and action items, use clear and objective language, and review and edit promptly after the meeting. Mem's AI-powered features can assist you throughout this process.

What is the best format for meeting minutes?

The best format includes the meeting title, date, time, location, attendees, agenda items, discussions, decisions, action items, and next meeting details. Use a consistent structure that works for your organization's needs. Mem's customizable templates can help you maintain a consistent format.

How long should the meeting minutes be?

Meeting minutes should be concise yet comprehensive, typically 1-3 pages for a standard meeting. Focus on capturing essential information rather than detailed conversations. Mem's AI can help you summarize key points effectively.

Are meeting minutes legally binding?

While not inherently legally binding, meeting minutes can serve as legal evidence of decisions made and actions agreed upon. It's important to ensure their accuracy and have them approved by the appropriate parties. Mem's version control and approval features can help maintain the integrity of your minutes.

How soon after a meeting should minutes be distributed?

Ideally, draft minutes should be distributed within 24-48 hours after the meeting while the information is still fresh. This allows for timely review and approval by attendees. Mem's sharing features make it easy to distribute minutes quickly and efficiently.